Saturday, March 26, 2005

Swift River

What It Takes To Pull Me Through

By: David L. Marcus

Why Teenagers Get in Trouble

And How Four of Them Got Out

Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, Rape, Truancy, Pyros, Fighting, those are all thing that Swift River, a school in the western hills of Massachusetts, takes care of. For trouble teens, and trouble parents, the $70,000 tuition is a small price to pay for a new start.

Journalist, David L. Marcus (U.S. News and World Report) tells the story of Group 23, a group of sixteen problemed teens, and how through strict rules and training, they make it to Graduation.

I thought that the book gave a good incite into the mind of trouble youth. Although the book is mostly meant for parents, it can also be enjoyed by teens. The smart, witty, enjoyable writing takes you on a long adventure into the minds and hearts of these teenagers.

Pages: 336

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin


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