Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Fateful Promise

The Fateful Promise is a relatively new band from Madison, Wisconsin. They have only been playing gigs since April 2nd and already have a nice following of fans. With a bunch of original songs, this self-professed emo/post punk band is well on it way to being the next big thing from Madtown.

I caught one of their live performances last Friday (April 22). It was in a coffee shop basement. There were about 30 to 40 people attending. The room was humid with sweat and smelled of body odor thanks to the craziness brought from the hardcore/screamo band that had just played. The Fateful Promise was headlining. The set was amazing. TFP puts on a great live performance. They have a dynamic stage presence and their music isn't compromised by their vivacity. In fact, TFP is a very tight group.

Rob Garekis is the front man. He plays guitar, sings lead vocals, and writes all of their songs. He is a friendly chum and loves to have a good time. Eric Pedersen is the bassist and does backup vocals. Travis Smith is the drummer. He is the one who turned me onto the band. I have been friends with him since before high school and we've kept up. The three attend the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Travis and Rob lived across the hall from each other last year and that is how the band got started.

"We had just gotten to school," Travis tells the story of the band's beginnings, "and the last band I was in, was Tripping Over Chairs. I saw a sign on rob's door that said 'punk drummer wanted'. I was the furthest thing from a punk drummer, but I thought I would go check it out anyway. He played his songs for me and I liked them enough to start practicing with him." It took Travis a while to get into the whole punk scene, but once in, he was hooked. Travis and Rob started looking for a bass player. They had two or three prospectives and a bunch of tryouts. But, after about ten months found Eric. They started practicing as a band in January and their first show was April 2nd.

I asked both Rob and Travis why they decided to be or wanted to be in a band. Both replied with relatively the same answer. They couldn't imagine not making music. "I decided to start a band because I have an intense desire to create and perform music...it's enjoyable, but it's more than that-it's almost a necessity for me." Rob shared with me "and I have come to realize that even if this band never played a show, I would want to practice and write and play and create just as much."

If The Fateful Promise took off and required more time than school, the band would be willing to put school on hold, but it wouldn't be an easy decision. "It would be hard on me, because I believe that school is really important and interesting, and my parents would flip," Rob Said.

Some of the band's influences are Gatsby's American Dream, Further Seems Forever, and Alkaline Trio. The Fateful Promise's name is from Rob's spirituality and his personal faith. Some of TFP's older music was written about relationships with girls and friends. But the newer music is about having a positive outlook on life and for people to just love each other. "...instead of me complaining and bashing people in lyrics, I want to inspire and lift up- or at least let them know that that's what I really want- that's reflected well in our new song-'Love is there'" Rob explains his lyrical decisions.

The Fateful Promise has many opportunities coming up for you to see them live. As travis puts it,"it's such a rewarding experience, to play well and to have other people enjoy it"

The Fateful Promise at Myspace


Anonymous said...

The band TFP is an up and coming group yhat plays only original music. That is especially pleasing to me. Cover bands are a "dime a dozen". However, TFP is indeed unique......Awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and everybody interested in hearing more of The Fateful Promise, these guys are all over Madison...shows at least every two weeks for sure--check Journey's Pizza, University functions etc. They are your diabolical punk rockers, but with some intelligence managed to get thrown in the mix for once! Sweet sexy sounds baby! Go support them.

Anonymous said...

Travis i will always be hear to support u. Your friend Patrick.